Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I Got It!! I Got It...

Yup, another ride on the Random Tuesday Trolly. Keely the Un Mom has inspired me, maybe she can do the same to you. Oh, and her site got a redesign and even moved. Hmmm. That reminds me, I'm a bit tired of this blog's look and feel. Maybe I should give it a re-work... ... hmm... sounds like work. Maybe I won't worry about that right now and get down to the bullets.
  • I have a nagging fear that everyone is out to make me paranoid.
  • Over the weekend I watched 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later back to back directly before going to bed... the zombies chased me all through my dreams. Oh, and let me just say... if the blood FROM the zombie is going to turn YOU into a zombie... then maybe the killing method should not be a knife. I'm thinking that is WAY too close contact. Perhaps a gun... or machine gun.
  • It's getting just a bit nippy to be riding to work on Mimi the scooter. Come on! It's just late August! I'm not ready for summer to be over yet!
Movies, movies... what to see? Some friends and I were planning to go see the new Angelina Jolie flick tonight, Salt. But we keep hearing that it is crap. Now we're considering Stallone's "The Expendables", about which reviewers have also thrown around the crap word. Something tells me that it will be a choice between bad action flick with vagina or bad action flick with testosterone.
Heck, Cats & Dogs and the A Team are playing tooo... maybe we'll be so drunk by the time the movie starts, we just won't care what we're watching.

(Imagine Snooker dancing around the office on Monday morning... singing to the tune of "You Did It" from My Fair Lady) Monday morning I got it! I got it! I got it! I asked Sweet No to get it! She said that she would do it, and indeed she did. I thought that it would be top heavy, but it isn't, and now I must admit, that it's really cool. WHAT IS IT you might ask? A coffee mug that looks very much like a Nikon camera lens. It's the little things.

Sweet No suffered all weekend with a bad bout of lumbago. I'd heard the word before, but had no idea what it was other than the lum- prefix which I think means back or lower back or something. She leaned over a desk at work for a few minutes and suddenly stood up
causing a nasty back pull. The German doctor mentioned the feared word, "Hexenschuss". It sounds a little sinister even if you don't know the translation. But literally it means "shot by a witch". Fun, eh? Love those Germans and their descriptive terms. She's doing OK now... Who am I fooling? She's as fit as a fiddle to begin with... 25 sit ups every morning, 25 push ups every evening, jogging 2-3 times a week. She's already back to 75%. I, however, would STILL be lying down at the doctor's office begging for a pain shot.

OK, that's enough of my babbling.

> Update... we went to see "The Expendables"... um, OK... but I could have lived without it. One of the girls said that she felt she was watching a video game that she wasn't allowed to join in and play. 
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Goofball said...

that cup is super groovy

Unknown said...

Are you on Facebook BTW Snooker? Would love to connect up!

Maria said...

I much prefer the pain shots too...but I LOVE the "shot by a witch" term. LOVE IT!

Expat in Germany said...

I've never heard the "shot by a witch" term, I'll have to watch out for that, sounds rather scary!

Frau Dietz said...

Hello :) I LOVE that coffee mug.