Thursday, June 30, 2011


Where have you been Snooker?
No where.
Karneval der Kulturen.

I could come up with a couple of juicy rationalizations for why I haven't been blogging:
No time
No inclination
Nothing to write about
My dog ate that page
Dammit, nobody reads it anyway.

But actually it is just out of a laziness, I suppose. Once in a while I think, "I should blog about this, it is cool", but never get down to it.

And then there are the cool alternatives. Twitter is much faster, more concise, instant gratification. Facebook attaches me to people I know and love, and I don't have to think so hard about what I put on FB. Besides, I'm always a better "lurker" anyway. I really enjoy reading the blogs of other folks, even if I don't always comment. And Twitter allows me moments of escapism through my workday, which is fabulous!

What have I been doing? I guess that you could say I've been living my life instead of trying to put it into words. Winter holidays were spent in Curacao having some of the best dives in my life. I've been working on trying to trim down (weight wise). I've not been doing as much photography as I would like. Art exhibitions. Lots of reading and movie watching. And of course... work, work, work.

So why pop up now, Snooker?
Around the corner is the WEBMU (Whiny Expat Bloggers Meet Up). Which I really want to go to. But may I just add that I would feel guilty if I ended up going to a blogging meeting without actually having blogged?

Let's face it, on March 17th I was surprised by an e-mail which said that SnookerInBerlin had a new blog post! Wha? Howdiddathappen? When I opened it up I knew immediately. Oh yeah. I had seen something much earlier which would be perfect for St. Patrick's Day, so I loaded it and gave it a run date... which it did... without me. So something actually showed up! Surprise Blogging! A whole new enterprise.

I mean, the blog hasn't been COMPLETELY abandoned. Comment moderation has been in full swing. For a while there I was quite busy deleting comments from some guy in Malaysia who said nice things about my blog, or wrote a joke, and then proceeded to link to some scary website which probably sells drugs, or sex advice, or porn. What a nice guy!

So let's see if I can come back here once in a while... perhaps I will even surprise myself.

Until then,
post signature


cliff1976 said...

and I don't have to think so hard about what I put on FB

From all accounts I've read (with snarky chuckles at sites like more people ought to think HARDER about what they publish on Facebook.

Adam said...



she LIVES!!!!!!

Jul said...

LOL at surprise blogging. I'm going to have to try that sometime.

Anonymous said...

I found that ditching twitter actually gave me more to write about! I wasn't tweeting all my witty thoughts so I could then blog them.

Welcome back!

Holly Diane said...

Welcome back!!! I need to schedule more blogs as surprise blogs but can't figure out how to do it ...when i get in writing moods it is all at once and I don't want to post a million blogs a day so I just keep it all for a rainy day and then those rainy days don't seem to come...blah blah blah...oh well...I love twitter, heading over there now to make sure I have you as a follower :)

Goofball said...

poohh you didn't even come back because you miss my comments. Pooh I'll remember, I feel very offended now :p

the surprise blogging was funny. It actually happens often to me with my Wednesday music posts as I schedule them in advance.

Snooker said...

@Cliff - I know how you feel about Facebook. But no matter what, my family actually READ my FB, which they never have done with my blog.

@ Adam - Rumors of my demise are highly exaggerated.

@ Jul - Surprise blogging inspired guilt in my case. But you see it took another two months to make a post.

@ Andrea - I still dig me some Twitter though.

@ Holly Diane - Nice to see a new face! Eh, blog as much as you want. It's for you. The ones who like it will continue to come back, the others... well, they're not who your really writing for, eh?

@ Goofball - Yes, believe it or not, I have missed your comments. Do stop by again and try not to get tooo offended.

Anonymous said...

I remember back in February at the Berlinale you said, "I'm too busy living to blog about it," and somehow that sentence has been in my mind a lot the past few months. I feel the same way. :-) Somehow you inspired me to let go of my own blog a bit, for better or worse. I guess I'm in this stage where I'm asking myself why does everything *have* to be shared online? Anyhow, it's good to see you here again!

Goofball said...

Pssssssssssssssst don't go back into hiding. at lease say hi to me on other media if you do