Sunday, August 14, 2011

World Cat Day 2011 Disappointment

Hello to my faithful readers. You may or may not know that my humans went on holiday for a week to someplace in the mountains. I have no idea why they would do that when they could go to one of those beach places and enjoy playing in a huge kitty toilet. But they never ask my opinion. Silly humans.

Speaking about silly humans. August 8th should be a day burned into the little brains of every human. It is World Cat Day! Don't shake your head and say you didn't know, of course you know, it is the most important day there is! I really didn't find it humourous that none of my humans acknowledged this fantastic day. I mean, it is like birthday and Christmas all wrapped up in one. How could they forget? No, being on holiday is no exception. Oh well, they will soon find that lovely little surprise I left under their bed. Maybe next year they will work harder to make it a special day for me. 

I wanted to write to you earlier, but as I was staying at my holiday home I couldn't seem to figure out the mouse on Opa's computer. I've always considered my paws to be superior to human hands, but I guess not having thumbs holds me back while doing people things. Also I'm not as young as I used to be, so I just don't have patience for these matters. In the end I had to wait until my main humans got back so I could use human B's laptop, the ironically named mouse pad is easier for my superior paws.

Oma and Opa were very excited for me to visit, so I graced them with my presence, allowing them to cater to my every whim since it seems to make them so happy.

I especially enjoy what I call the balcony game. This is where I stand expectantly in front of the balcony door as though I wish to go outside, you know, for the fresh air. If no one gets up to assist me immediately I let out one of my best frustrated meows which usually gets one of them jumping.

Then of course I need to let them know I am not happy about the delay, so once the door is open, I hesitate, looking up at whoever opened the door as if to say "about time". Usually I wait until they get annoyed and act like they are closing the door before I signal my intention that NOW I'm ready to go outside.

I get fresh moist food twice a day with dry food always available, thankfully Opa is not skimpy with that dry food. I really hate it the way human B lets that bowl get wayyyy too empty if you know what I mean. But Opa is great, I never see the bottom of the bowl when he's around. It's how I know that he loves me.

It is nice to know that they take their jobs seriously. Opa is always watching as I exit the cat box so he can immediately clean it. This is a service I wish I could get at home, but after 15 years of trying to train my human, I've given up.

Oma also knows exactly what makes me happy. She often slips me special goodies because she says I'm getting too thin. Before I come for my visit she stocks up with lots of fish and liverwurst. I've gotten to know lots of great German fishies, wursts and cheeses through her.

She even feeds me what she calls "German sushi". This must be great stuff because years ago I heard Opa being upset that Oma was feeding me what he called herring rolls and that they were too expensive to feed a cat. I was mad at him for a while after that, let me tell you. So the next time I went to the toilet I let a little bit go outside of the box. It is one of the best kitty revenge possibilities.

If they do complain I never have to hear it, in fact I never have to hear anything again, especially that really annoying neighbor dog with his incessant barking. I mean, didn't his bitch teach him anything?

It's really convenient to be deaf. In the old days when I wanted to ignore the humans as they screamed that I shouldn't be on the table, I had to work hard to control my ear movement so it wouldn't betray me. Now I don't worry about it at all.

Being deaf isn't too bad, as you can see it has its advantages. In 2005, not long after I moved to Germany I got a kitty cold with a high fever. Eventually I got better, although my hearing didn't.

Oma and Opa's apartment is in the roof area of their building, so between the slightly warmer temperatures and the actual day of sun or two while my main humans were gone, my normally sleek coat decided to finally do the summer shedding. I couldn't keep up with it and the fur flew! When human A came to pick me up after their holiday I proved my LOVE for her by sharing my beautiful beige fur with her dark blue shirt. I always think it looks so nice to have a bit of me on everything, and shedding season can really bring out the best.

The bad thing about shedding season is the brushing. They act like I can't take control of the situation or something. Also they seem to have a problem with the regurgitated hair balls I leave throughout the apartment, so they do their best to keep me distracted while they brush me. On top of that, after five minutes of brushing they pull the vacuum cleaner out and go after me with that! Now don't get me wrong, when I was younger - and could hear - I would have been under the nearest chair when that noisy thing came around. But without all of that racket to bother me, it isn't a wholly uncomfortable experience to get a little fur sucking action.

The humans took a long time to adapt, longer than me even. At first I caught them a few times as they were testing me. Once they were shaking a key ring over my head when I wasn't supposed to be looking. The silly humans didn't even think about shadows, geeze, I knew they were doing something over my head when the outline of my lovely, velvety ears was overshadowed by that silly IQ fish on human A's key ring. It took two whole years for them to figure out that vacuum thing for Sphynx's sake.

After a while I didn't really like to go outside for walks in my kitty harness and line the way I did when I was younger. The pretty blue harness that compliments my eyes so well has been hidden in the cabinet that smells like cat nip for at least three summers now.

These days my humans seem to be surprised that I know when they come home. Silly humans forget that they stink. Every morning they gross me out as they remove their furs to stand under the really fast special water dropping thing. After that they smell like soap, but by the time they get home after work, they stink. Especially human B who must run home or something, she always comes with special shoes that have metal on the bottom and sets her hard hat down in the hallway at my level. Let me tell you, I made the mistake of closer nose inspection of these things just once.

Otherwise I know they are home simply because I keep one kitty eyelid looking at the door at all times. I always lie down facing the door so I don't get any nasty surprises. The only time I can really relax and sleep heavily is at night when human A provides her arm for my head. I know that if any danger should come, she would wake me up.

I'm a little tired now.
It's time to paws and reflect.
When I'm not at my holiday home, I spend most of my time on the bed of my main human. It's nice and warm there and it smells like the human I like to sleep with. I wish they would get a bed warmer thingie before winter. Surely I could figure out how to keep it turned on throughout the day to help keep these old bones warm.

Now I will wait for next year's World Cat Day with great anticipation. Maybe some of you can help me figure out how to punish my humans for missing it this year? Ideas?

"You can keep a dog; but it is the cat who keeps people, because cats find humans useful domestic animals."
- George Mikes from "How to be Decadent"

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Slocombe the cat said...

Dear Frank,
How very rude of your humans to ignore your very special day! It sounds like you enjoyed your holiday though. As always, keep the humans in their place--that's my theory anyway.

Greets from the UK and a claw raised in solidarity,

Adam said...

Hey Frank - sorry to hear that your humans ignored World Cat Day. I hope that you get your revenge at some point - although knowing you, it will be a carefully considered revenge -- like ignoring their birthdays...

Keep on bloggin'

Goofball said...

Hi Frank,

I would really keep up that balcony trick! that would really work as revenge.

Sorry to hear they forgot about world cat day....but you sure don't have to wait a year to give us an update.


Anonymous said...

Ah, Frank, you deserve better! To be forgotten on such an important day....