Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Grand Canyon Skywalk Opens Today!

OK, just now I suffered the agony of delete...
I just wrote a really cool blog about my thoughts on this whole Skywalk thing...
Then I click "preview and post"... and there is a problem loading the page...
Fuck! All my work is gone!!

So I will just include these two videos.

The first one is promotional... begging you to come out and enjoy the skywalk.

The second is about the engineering of the thing.

And here is a link to "NPR".
They will give you the whole story... even for your ears if you like.

Do I wanna go? Nah... and I'm not too optimistic about the chances that it will be a huge moneymaker for this impoverished tribe either...
But, I wish them the best of luck!

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