Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bar-ack O-Bama Herz-lich Will-kom-men

What a day to be an American.

Last night an expat friend said something which stopped me in my tracks. All the stress of a busy work world just sunk away. "Tuesday is going to be a great day to be an American."

She's absolutely right. It IS a great day to be an American. So here's to Obama. Dude, you've wheedled yourself into a job no sane person would want. I wish you all the best.

I have some hopes for you. It is my sincere desire that you are able to achieve even 1/10 of your aspirations. For your family I wish all the best with as little interference from the press and political world as possible. Like many Americans, and may I say it, even many of the world's citizens, I hope that you and your cabinet are able to find a way out of these many crises and take the United States into a positive direction.

For now all I can say:
Yes We Can!

Been listening:
This morning on rs2 (radio), the regular segment of Küss mich Kanzler (Kiss me Chancellor) was really cute. The premise of the segment is the home life of Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel. The fact that she is a woman, and that her husband stays completely out of the public eye is very interesting, funny to think about even. Sound-alike voices in the show are simulating the Chancellor and her husband just going through life's little problems exploring with a funny edge that she is the leader of Germany.

Although I only heard the last part of the piece, what I got was really cute. Sung to the tune of "Sweet Home Alabama, All Summer Long" was "Bar-ack O-Bama Herz-lich Will-kom-men". Tee hee hee!

I found the website which normally posts the pieces, but it isn't up as of this morning. Maybe later today it will be available. I'll have to check back later for another listen.

Been watching:
Fight for Kisses - OMG!! This is cute. The mommies/daddies will really enjoy this creative video. Dancing baby, move over!


Jul said...

Waking up today was better than Christmas morning... I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. :)

Goofball said...

I am so happy for all Americans too