An entry for Photo Friday with the theme "Big and Small"
It isn't necessarily very artistic. It isn't really very good.
But for me it was a moment in time.
I was on a whirlwind trip of London. Really I would be there for only a few hours, and I'd decided to spend them seeing as much of the city as I could. The weather was absolutely fabulous for an April day in a city known for rainy/crappy/cool weather. The tour bus I was on took me through the major touristy points of the city and allowed me to get off and on as I wished. This is the aspect I love the most. When the bus stops I get off and walk a two square block area, just taking it all in. By the time I get back to the bus stop, the next bus is ready to whisk me off to more discoveries.
This particular shot was taken from the bus itself (thank goodness for the open top double-decker). To tell you the absolute truth I cannot even pinpoint exactly where this is. (Perhaps a more frequent visitor could help with that?)
As we tooled around a corner these two HUGE lion sculptures took over the landscape with a couple hundred itty bitty people milling around. When we drew closer my eyes focused on this young man and girl sitting at the foot of one of them.
In my imagination (I freely admit that it is WAY overactive), they are brother and sister. His mom made him put her up there and then he popped up there himself for a quick photo by his frantic parents. In an exaggerated attempt to look cool, the young man draws a sip from his Coke can. Thinking that she should also try to fit in with this coolness, his little sister begins to tap her thighs to an imaginary beat.
For me "big and small" is not only the lion juxtaposed against the humans... but also the two kids with about ten years in between, on a trip with mom and dad, posed at the foot of a huge statue, trying their best to act nonchalant and give their parents guilt because they are so obviously not having any fun.

See more of the London photos.
Those lions are on Trafalgar Square, keeping Admiral Nelson company.
Thanks Pleite. See? I knew someone would know.
yep Trafalgar Square...damn I am not first anymore :p.
I always thought that London had a grey wet image too. And then I've been there so often over the last 5 years and it was always sunny. had a sunburn a couple of times! Now I always picture a sunny city :p
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