Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Random Tuesday - Moving edition

Well, I gotta tell you that I'm feeling the relief of having all my "shit" in the same place.

This past weekend was "the big move" where most of our things made it from the old place to the new. I learned a few things in the process:
  • Polish workers may be cheap, but they could use a watch and a calendar - They were supposed to be there on Friday at 10.00. We didn't even THINK about calling them until 11.00 simply because they are ALWAYS late. When we did call at 12.30, the team leader exclaimed, "You mean it's FRIDAY? I thought it was Thursday". Two ours after that... they showed up. They were due back last night at 8.00pm to fix a shower door. You guessed it, this morning was day three of showering without a door.
  • Deutsche Telekom sucks no matter what - Yesterday was the day they were supposed to change the service from one house to the other. Ahem. No. It is certainly off at the other house... but let's just say that switch didn't make it to the new place. And we are paying 45 EUR for this fantastic switch service...
  • When you tell the electric company in Germany to shut off electricity, they do it without fail... even if you weren't smart enough to vacuum the place before it was shut off.
  • While using packing tape and tearing it with your teeth instead of the sensible way of using scissors, DO be mindful of where the sticky side is in relation to your lips... argh...
  • On the bright side, numbering all boxes and having a sheet of paper with the basic contents listed for each box is freaking genius!
We had over 50 boxes moved in the last two weeks. Only 20 boxes remain, of those 10 are waiting on a new cabinet. Yippee!!

Changing tracks...
Choo choooooo...

Does anybody else wonder why in the world we don't have these stockpiled somewhere ready to send out to people in a crisis? Heck, even to those people who are just not near clean drinking water.
Michael Pritchard's water filter turns filthy water drinkable Take a few minutes and watch, I promise you will have the same attitude.

Changing tracks...
Choo choooooo...

OK, this House thing... I don't get it.
First you have to know that I don't receive American television, and haven't in some time.
But so many of my friends were crazy about House that I bought season one and watched two eps. Um... I don't get it. Did I get the wrong season? I would rather watch re-runs of Monk all day long than what I saw on the first two shows. At least Monk you have a CHANCE of figuring out what the solution is. How am I supposed to know that the person is sick from some strange disease that I've never heard of? Plus the character development... I don't really like this House guy in these eps. What's the big deal?

Changing tracks...
Choo choooooo...

Is anyone else in love with iGoogle like I am?

Changing tracks...
Choo choooooo...

OK, that's random enough for me. Head over to Keely the UnMom for more zaniness.

Been reading:

And finally... a video that almost made me spit my morning coffee all over the screen.

post signature


I am Harriet said...

Sounds like an eventful stay there.
Have a great Tuesday!

Leigh said...

Moving sucks no matter how you go about it I think! Good luck in the new place!

Jan said...

Hooray! You're finally all moved!

That video kind of puts to rest the myth that cats are very graceful creatures, doesn't it?

Miss Angie said...

Howdy! I'm visiting from Keely's! Congrats on the move! I hope to be doing that soon, but I only wish it was to Europe!

I like house, but it's not one that I'm really into. Munk was good though!


Liz Mays said...

So glad you're in your new house! I read Deutche as douche at first. When I was about to correct myself, I realized that based on the context of what you said, my pronunciation was accurate. ;)

I'm gonna take your lead on making a list of contents per box when packing! :)

Unknown said...

Dear "Snooker",

I stumbled over your Snookspot expat diary during my online research on expatriates in Germany.

Since you seem to focus on your personal expat experience in Berlin, I’d very much like to introduce Internations.org -- a Munich-based global network for people living and working abroad -- to you. Maybe you could recommend it as a resource to your readers.

InterNations.org is the global networking site with over 230 local communities and more than 120,000 members. We'd especially like to point out our live events in ca. 100 cities worldwide, including Berlin and Munich, meant to bring expats from all nations and locals together.

For this reason, we believe that your readers might benefit from knowing about us. We’d like to kindly ask you to place a link to our homepage on your blog. Of course, you are cordially invited to register with us and have a look at our network. The registration process is free of charge and will only take a few minutes.

You can get in touch with me via e-mail (m[dot]grobbel[at]internations[dot]org). I’m really looking forward to hearing from you.


Margit Grobbel
Senior Content Editor & Corporate Communications

Goofball said...

hehe about the vacuuming/electricity lesson learned and the tape one. ouch!!!!

that cat video is indeed hilarious.

Mom in High Heels said...

You are correct. Deutsche Telekom sucks. Always have, always will.
After reading about your Polish workers, I'm sad it's considered bad to tell Polish jokes. "You mean it's Friday?" is hilarious.

Anonymous said...

House? For me, it's ALL about Hugh Laurie. *Drool* He's just gorgeous!

PapaScott said...

Let's just say I bought my wife 4 seasons of House for her birthday, and she devoured them all in 3 months, so I have to order season 5 from Amazon UK. She claims she only listens to Jesse Spencer's Australian accent, but I suspect she looks at him as well. :-)