It is the 6th day of my imprisonment with these silly bipeds.
My harebrained humans went on holiday leaving me in a strange house with two hairless creatures who think that they speak kitty language. What is worse is that they say it funny, "miau" is not my language. Stop trying to speak to me in German or in "kitty language", I know only two languages, English and bad English.
Even worse, they have no idea how to read MY kitty language. When I bite, this means "put me down and don't hug me any more". How much more clearly do I have to say it?
My two slaves have once again closed the bedroom door, not allowing me in to walk all over them as they try to sleep. Somehow they are managing to ignore my pitiful cries and insistent scratches on the door, thus I have decided to help myself to the computer again.
Someone needs to redesign and rename this "mouse".
Since there are only so many times a guy can play "Castle Cat 4" without getting bored, I found my way to this nonsense.
Can you believe this? Humans are soooo stupid. DOGS! HA!
Cats are smarter than dogs. You can't get eight cats to pull a sled through the snow. -- Jeff Valdez
Oh, nice kitty, er, Frank.
Does this mean your humans have returned from their frolics?
hey Frank,
good to see you again, I've missed you! don't worry too much about your silly babysitters: if you need a decent conversation, come online again.
So how did you survive the move to the new appartment a few weeks ago? Do you like the new place? Is there a good wide windowsill with a view? A nice carpet to sleep on?
Dear Frank,
Writing from my owner's pc, I raise a furry paw to you from across the Channel.
Don't forget to make your anger and fury felt when *your* humans come back. They'll be sure to reward you with treats and attention because they feel guilty for leaving you. Milk it for all it's worth!
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