Saturday, October 29, 2011

Are You Humping My Leg?

Another WEBMU has come and gone.
The crazy, rollicking ride on the English speaking expat bloggers in Germany train landed in Cologne in the middle of October.

Serpent reflections
We came together, we ate, we drank, we talked until some of us lost our voices.
She has a bit of a limp wrist
It was pretty much like every other WEBMU I've attended; there was lots of conversation, lots of beer and not a lot of sleep.
Bahnhof curves
Pictures, pictures, pictures. As usual, I didn't get many pictures of people. Others are soooo much better at that. But I did get some nice images.
And of course next year... WE'RE GOING TO BERLIN!
Berlin, Berlin, Wir fahren nach Berlin!
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