The weather was perfect! We've gone every year since I've moved here... even if we attend only the parade. One year it was pouring down rain and we went anyway because we knew there would be people dancing and didn't want them to feel like they were doing it for nothing. Besides, it was much easier to get a good view of the goings on without so many people vying for good placement.
This is only part of one group of dancers from only one float. But I think that it gives you the basic feel of the event. What can't be portrayed by these pictures is the liveliness of the music, it is like another character of the parade. Each float has music representing their country and may I say that I love world music.

So many colors, so many different shapes and textures... it was like an overload! I love it. In fact, I loved it so much on Sunday that I took Mimi and headed back on Monday. I was there for about an hour just soaking it all up again. Actually I went specifically for Dresdner Brot which is basically a bread dough about the size/shape of a fist with cheese and bacon placed inside and then baked. When it comes out of the wood oven they put a dollop of sourcream and a bit of chives on top for good measure. Oh MY MY!
As I ate my bread I just stood to the side and watched the people as they passed by. There were a multitude of languages and cultures represented. Of course the normal Berliner types were there with their eyes aghast, but on top of this were the hippies and artists enjoying themselves as they opened their minds further. There were the colorful ebony beauties wearing full headdresses, and obvious tourists clutching their Berlin books. I saw people with purple hair, with African face paint, henna ink running up and down arms, and a group of blonde blue-eyed people who dwarfed the rest of us that I assume were of Nordic decent.
Check out the full set of pics on Flickr.
Ahh, that was so much fun. Can't wait until next year!
It looks and sounds fantastic!
@ Berlin - Hopefully you were able to enjoy it half as much as I did!
@ Diane - You should come up next year. We could get you away from those martinis and into a capirinha!
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