Check out a few pictures of my experience so far:

That is Funky Chicken with an African drink, Dju Dju - Mango Beer.

Mimi (blue) found some friends while in my absence. Can't take that girl anywhere, as soon as I turn my back she's winkin' and flirtin' with the boys.

Sunday is the parade, and as far as I'm concerned, the best part of the whole thing!
Post from Karneval der Kulturen 2008
May I say that working on Sweet No's computer... um... not exactly easy or necessarily nice. The post looks like crap simply because I don't have the right tools.

Looks like a great time! Thanks for sharing, SnB.
That looks like fun!
Wish I were there, but considering that I have a nasty cold right now, glad that I'm not.
ZOMG Snooker I am drooling at the Dresdner Handbrot and your previous description of it!!
Looks colorful!
aaaah European summer festivals and activities. I love it, so love it
wasn't the weather nice & hot & sunny in Berlin this weekend? We had a stunning summer weekend here so I'm surprised to see the wet puddles & grey sky?
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