It brings tears to my eyes when I see the images of the dead and dying ocean creatures; so I will spare you that. But this National Geographic site is well worth a visit to learn a bit about what animals/fish are most likely to be impacted, and this site will show options for what the average person can do to help.
Perhaps getting 50,000 volunteers into the areas in danger to witness that carnage would be a catalyst for change...
You are so right to hope for a catalyst for change. Our planet has finite resources--when will we realize this fact and live differently?
Probably when we've used or destroyed all the resources. It pains me to say this but this disaster is a shameful indictment of the stupidity and greed of man. The oil spill was an accident waiting to happen. A simple matter of time. It's only after these things people wise up and say, enough! Unfortunately, that's usually too late.
Thanks for the links Snook. I just hope we're not adding more species to the National Geographic ten. Migrating eels from the Gulf of Mexico to Ireland also come to mind...
Thiis is awesome
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